Topology - zer0pts 2023

Introduction This challenge is a reversing challenge from zer0pts 2023, that I played with The Flat Network Society. We ranked 12th on this CTF which is not bad ! Here is the task: Initial Analysis In this challenge, we have a x86_binary. According to the task statement, it is a…

UPX2000 - Root-Me CTF

Introduction The Root-Me CTF took place on october 21st-23th. At this occasion I released a challenge named UPX2000. Here is its writeup. Reverse Engineering of the binary This write up will be divided in two steps. First the reverse engineering of the binary and then the solving of the challenge.…

Rhopla - InterIUT2022

Initial Statement The goal of this challenge is simple. Gain an access over the server using a vulnerability in the software. Although this is a quite typical exploitation, there was only two solves on this challenge. Analysis First thing to do with this kind of challenge is execute the file…

Solutions PwnMyWorkShop!

Starting Point Initial Statement Donnez votre nom au binaire et voyez ce que vous pouvez en tirer ! nc 2000 Hint: CRIE FORT Code: #include int print_flag() { FILE *fd = fopen("./flag.txt", "r"); char flag[32]; fgets(flag, 32, fd); printf("%s\n", flag); fclose(fd); return…

CTF Inter IUT - Simple

Simple - 50 points Introduction This challenge was the first pwn challenge of the CTF. Statement: Récupérez le contenu du fichier flag.txt situé sur le serveur simple.interiut.ctf en ssh avec l'utilisateur chall et le mot de passe chall. Get the content of the flag.txt file on…